Corporate Profile

We are a leading player in mainland China’s online social networking space. Through Momo, Tantan and other properties within our product portfolio, we enable users to discover new relationships, expand their social connections and build meaningful interactions. Momo is a mobile application that connects people and facilitates social interactions based on location, interests and a variety of online recreational activities. Tantan, which was added into our family of applications through acquisition in May 2018, is a leading social and dating application. Tantan is designed to help its users find and establish romantic connections as well as meet interesting people. Starting from 2019, we have incubated a number of other new apps, such as Hertz, Soulchill, Duidui and Tietie, which target more niche markets and more selective demographics.

We have built a large user base on Momo since its launch in 2011. Momo’s MAUs increased from 113.8 million in December 2020 to 114.1 million in December 2021, but decreased to 94.6 million in December 2022. Tantan’s MAUs decreased from 27.0 million in December 2021 to 18.4 million in December 2022. The decrease in Momo and Tantan’s MAU in 2022 was primarily due to COVID-19, the social distancing and lockdown measures across China as well as the reduction in marketing investment.

Momo, Tantan and other mobile applications within our family of mobile applications can be downloaded and used free of charge, and we generate our revenues from the various services we offer on our platforms. Our revenues decreased from RMB15,024.2 million in 2020 to RMB14,575.7 million in 2021, and further decreased to RMB12,704.2 million (US$1,841.9 million) in 2022.